Category Archives: Hallux Valgus

Treatments For Hallux Valgus

I figured I’d log this journal because I am finding that it’s difficult to locate people online, who’ve had the exact same surgery I’ve had and I wanted to do my own research since someone was about to chop into 3 bones of mine. So many have had bunion-ectomies and versions of what I did, but not exactly. When it comes to comparing work, and notes, for something as impactive as foot surgery is, believe me you’ll want people’s stories and experiences. March 2011- Here’s a pic of our feet sucking up the Miami Beach sun just before our venture into the city at night!

There have been many clinical trials of various treatments for hallux valgus, but very few of these were randomized, and the case numbers were generally small. Mild deformities are best treated by distal first metatarsal osteotomies, e.g. the Chevron osteotomy. Severe deformities require a soft-tissue procedure at the first metatarsophalangeal joint and a proximal first metatarsal osteotomy. In case of osteoarthritis, and in elderly patients, a resection arthroplasty is preferred; arthrodesis is performed in physically active patients. After correction of hallux valgus, patients can usually bear their full weight on the treated foot while wearing a flat surgical shoe.

Sometimes, when loved persons die, we tend to accuse that doctors didn’t know to diagnose them correctly saying they died because of cancer. But are those accusations true or cancer is for real the most dreaded disease today? It looks like millions of people die annually because of this horrible disease so that cancer is a leading cause of worldwide mortality. READ MORE HERE Dr. Woods completed his foot & ankle fellowship at the esteemed Florida Orthopaedic Institute in Tampa Bay, FL and received his medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN where he was a member of Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society.

The orthopedic surgeon makes an incision (cut) is made along the top or side of the big toe joint and the bunion (part of the bone that sticks out) is removed with a surgical saw or chisel. Before realignment is complete, tendons that attach to the big toe may need to be cut, or released, to relieve the inward pull on the toe. Normal activities can usually be resumed , after the bones and soft tissue have healed (normally within six to eight weeks). Toe Stretchers Allow You To Continue Your Favorite Activity Without Having to Stop Due To Pain and Discomfort. Order Yours Now!hallux valgus angle

A bunion (hallux valgus) is a deformity characterized by lateral deviation of the great toe, often erroneously described as an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the head of the big toe (metatarsophalangeal joint). As the great toe (hallux) turns in toward the second toe (angulation) the tissues surrounding the joint may become swollen and tender. plastic surgery is a speciality of medical science which concerned with the with the correction or restoration of form and function. Plastic surgery is very effective and includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, micro surgery as well as treatment for burns. read more

Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a painful, disabling disorder of the peripheral nervous system. Initial symptoms include burning pain in the hands and feet, and it often progresses into muscular weakness and gait difficulties. The condition is often precipitated by diabetes and AIDS. In the case of diabetes, there is often more central nervous system degeneration, while AIDS-related PN is usually li read more If you have bunions on your feet, a foot surgeon can help you alleviate your painful condition. Bunions don’t always cause difficulties but when they do, they can be quite troublesome. There are other treatments that your physician might try before surgery is recommended.

Bunions are misaligned big toe joints that can become swollen and tender, causing the first joint of the big toe to slant outward, and the second joint to angle toward the other toes. Bunions tend to be hereditary, but can be aggravated by shoes that are too narrow in the forefoot and toe. Surgery by a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon is frequently recommended to correct the problem. In more severe bunion deformities, where the foot has widened considerably and the big toe is way out of alignment, the first metatarsal is cut at the near end of the bone (proximal osteotomy below).

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons state that bunions become painful over time, but not all bunions progress to painful symptoms. To prevent the progression, they advise a person to switch to shoes that fit properly and do not compress the toes. To find shoes that fit, they recommend a person buy shoes based on how they fit the foot and not by the size on the box. They also recommend regular measurement of the foot and consultation with a foot specialist to find the proper type of footwear. Expert Insighthallux valgus

A bunion is not always painful! However, if pain develops, you typically experience a gradual onset of pain. You may notice your big toe is swollen and painful to the touch after technique or rehearsal. Pain when going up onto demi-pointe may also be an indicator that you are developing a bunion as the inflammation may limit the range of motion in your toe. Treatment Try to correct the MTP joint deformity, then manipulate the toe in the corrected position to check range of movement and whether movement and axial compression (the grind test) cause pain – usually due to arthritis

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